Cherry Master Skill Stop by Dyna – Software Update Chip


Update your Cherry Master Original (Old Board Type Only) to Cherry Master Skill Stop with the following features:

– Minimum 8 bet

– “Big” button = All stop


Updating your board with the most recently released version will also do the following things:


Fix glitches, frozen screens, fix percentaging issues and add the latest changes to the game and setting options made by the game manufacturer.


Please note that this does not always fix the issue you may be having. It only replaces your game software with the latest version released by the game manufacturer.


Updating the software on your board is easy! Simply lift out the old EPROM, reinsert the new EPROM (divot in new EPROM must face same direction as old EPROM removed) and then your board is ready to be plugged in and turned on!


If this will be your first time updating the software on a game board, please give us a call so that we can walk you through the simple process and avoid any unfortunate side effects associated with installing the chips incorrectly!

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
SKU ee473974d9d1 Category
