Brand New – Money Money Plexi


All plexi are custom made to order and will ship separately. The custom manufacturing process delays shipment of plexi by 1 day. Please expect a follow-up email or phone call, as we may need to obtain information necessary to complete the order.
We will need the following information to complete an order:

  • Display Size & Type: 13″ or 19″ and CRT (tube monitor) or LCD
  • Cabinet Style: Upright, Sitdown, Countertop, etc
  • Cutout for Touchscreen

Plexi Outer Dimensions:

19″ Upright Plexi – 23″ W x 22 5/16″ H

19″ Sitdown Plexi – 23″ W x 18 3/8″ H

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
